17 February 2010

Double Feature of the Week

About twelve years or so ago I had a website where I would post ideas for Double Feature evenings at home for one and all... I actually got some traffic there and a fair amount of positive emails. I tried to keep my selections to lesser known films as much as possible. Now with a larger availability of content online and through Netflix I think I could come up with a lot more Double Features. Hopefully I can create one of these a week...

First Up... FOOD!

As I am eating my lunch right now, this would be be an obvious topic for my first double feature suggestion:

Tampopo (1986)

This gem from Japan is the ultimate peon to gastronomy. Often funny, sometimes outrageous, this movie follows a young woman's efforts to open the best noodle counter possible. She is joined by several helpers in near Wizard of Oz fashion as she goes on her "journey" to Ramen success. Some of the best parts of the film are the non-sequitur moments separate from the main story. The old lady who insists on squeezing food in the store, the couple whose romance is directly tied to eating, and the ill woman who finds strength to make dinner for her family.


Big Night (1996)

Co-Directed by Campbell Scott and Stanley Tucci, Big Night is about the titular evening where two brothers have to save their Italian Restaurant from oblivion. All the acting in this film is top notch, and that includes the performances by the food... do not watch this on an empty stomach.


Any suggestions/requests for future Double Features are welcome... Email Me.

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